Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week 3

Our ideas for the opening title is more or less confirmed!! Mavis and I have begun working on the opening titles. Using Adobe photoshop, illustrator and aftereffects, we will create special effects for the opening title.

On tuesday it was my first time filming. Thankfully we managed to get the green screen studio @27 thanks to Mr Melvin. I had the chance to experience what it was like to be a director! It was fun but also tiring.. as i had to ensure everything goes according to plan. So after filming, we went back and video-logged the shots. Meaning to choose which takes we wanted so that we can edit it later on.

The rest of the week was just designing the opening titles. I designed in photoshop and illustrator and mavis animated and added in the special effects in after effects.

Week 2 of internshipp

Week 2 of our internship!! Mavis and some other students joined the internship. I didnt know them as there were from the mass comm course. It was good that Mavis finally came, she was supposed to help me with the Opening of the show.

During the week, Mavis and I brainstormed on different ideas for the opening title. But quite a few were rejected by our supervisor, Cynthia. Therefore we will continue to develop ideas for the opening title.. (:

Monday, September 5, 2011

Week 1 of internship at mediacorp!!

Day 1 of our internship at mediacorp, only me, si ya and zhen ru came.. The rest were coming next week. We met our supervisors, lawrence, cynthia and kalai. Lawrence brought us around mediacorp. I never knew mediacorp was so hugee and there were lots of people working in it hahaha...
Well.. anyway, the first day we were assigned roles for the program itself. I was incharge of doing up the opening of the show, Oktolive, zhen ru and siya was in charge of doing up 3G games. But when Mavis comes next week, she will help me in the opening of the show.
We will begin filming the opening for Oktolive on the 20th of sep, and it will be done at Ngee Ann's studio 27!! Because we need the green screen to do so haha.. So we got permission through Mr Melvin, (Thanks Mr Melvin, sorry for all the trouble :P), and we are more or less confirmed to shoot on that day.
However, the idea for the opening title has yet to be finalized. So we are still working on that and this entire week i've been drawing up story boards and discussing the ideas with Zhen ru and Si ya.