Thursday, August 11, 2011

Week 17

Our story is in the final stages of the pre-production. This week we were told that we have to up ALOT of reports by next monday. Therefore we immediately set to doing up the group reports and individual reports. I also continued with the color testing of 'Death' in our story. And also the color testing for the mum and dad, as well as finalizing the colors for chloe's dresses. We have decided to go with the color blue. Here are some samples.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Week 14 to Week 16

Shi Yun and kiwi has come up with the character designs, and i have started to work on some color testing samples. Here are some
of the color testing designs.

Week 12 to Week 14

Prior to the alien story, we actually had another story that was in consideration. It was called "Forlorn". In the end, we decided to go with Forlorn, because the alien story lacked character development and we did not think through the story plot enough. Forlorn was something different. It was more of an abstract piece. So after finally deciding that we were going with forlorn, we immediately started coming with character designs. I was in charge of the color scheme. So i had to wait for Kiwi and Shi yun to do up the character designs so that i can do the color testing.

Week 8 to Week 12

After our second Viva, we realised that our scissor paper and stone story had a lot of problems. Therefore, after further discussion with the group, we came up with another story called "Alien". "Alien" had more humor in it compared to Scissor, paper and stone. At first, the alien story just ends with them fixing the spacecraft and flying home. But there were no obstacles along the way. So I thought that the story should have more action and adventure to it. I suggested some ideas that made the story more interesting with more action to it.

week 3 to 7

Since week 1 of our FYP, with all the planning and everything, our ideas for the final product have been through many changes.
After many feedbacks from our group mentor and the other lecturers, we went back each time and reflected on what can be improved on, making sure we got everything sorted out. Like our roles, making sure that each of us knows what we are supposed to do, and also making sure we have all the components needed for our story. For me, i will be helping in the drawing of the animation, as well as the color designs.

I was responsible for the character design of the spider for the scissor, paper and stone story. These are some character designs.

Week 2

Week 2! It was the week of our pitching!! I felt that our pitching was quite bad… We weren’t totally prepared for it and we kinda got shot down, A LOT! :X We were told that our way of pitching was incorrect, and that we should get our roles and ideas worked out more properly. In a sense, it was beneficial to us that the lecturers were harsh to us, to let us know what it is like in the real world out there! So I’m grateful to them for that too. Though we had to improve on our story a little, and be clear on what each of our roles are!
Immediately after the pitching, we went back upstairs and rethought the entire concept of our story and the roles that each of us played in this project. Till now, we’re still trying to improve on our story to give our audiences a good story with something they can learn. Oh and thanks to the story telling workshop by Ms Christina Mok today, we churned out more ideas for our story!! She told us that we need more adventure for our characters to get viewers interested in our story, as we’re targeting young children and they have short attention spans, and can’t really understand anything deep. Therefore, we have to present it in such a way that they will enjoy and understand what’s going on.

Week 1

Week 1, at first we weren’t sure if we wanted to do 3D or 2D animation. We even considered doing a 2.5D animation. But in the end, we decided to go with a 2D animation as none of us really has any experience with 2.5D animation, and for 3D animation would take up a lot of time with the modeling and rigging of characters, which many of us don’t really know how to do. So after deciding which genre we wanted to do, we went on to brainstorm for ideas for our animation.Though some ideas were just plain silly haha… because we were all like randomly shooting out any idea that pops into our minds… But in the end, everyone contributed to one idea, and we had about 10 ideas, which everyone thought was feasible.
With so many ideas in hand, we couldn’t decide which idea to work on!! So we decided to ask Mr Agus for advice. We presented our ideas to him and he gave us his opinions on some of them, on how we could make it better, what we were lacking, and what we could add to our story to make it better. Thanks to Mr Agus’s advice, we decided to go with the scissor, paper stone story. We didn’t think at first that it could make a good story, but Mr Agus highlighted to us that we could always use the simplest of things to bring about a good story, or animation.
So anyway, we decided on the scissor, paper stone story, and we got to working on the story. We had our pitching the next week, and we were all pretty nervous about it. Because we were worried that we would not be able to get it, and if we didn’t get it, we had to do another genre, or come up with another story.