Monday, August 8, 2011

Week 2

Week 2! It was the week of our pitching!! I felt that our pitching was quite bad… We weren’t totally prepared for it and we kinda got shot down, A LOT! :X We were told that our way of pitching was incorrect, and that we should get our roles and ideas worked out more properly. In a sense, it was beneficial to us that the lecturers were harsh to us, to let us know what it is like in the real world out there! So I’m grateful to them for that too. Though we had to improve on our story a little, and be clear on what each of our roles are!
Immediately after the pitching, we went back upstairs and rethought the entire concept of our story and the roles that each of us played in this project. Till now, we’re still trying to improve on our story to give our audiences a good story with something they can learn. Oh and thanks to the story telling workshop by Ms Christina Mok today, we churned out more ideas for our story!! She told us that we need more adventure for our characters to get viewers interested in our story, as we’re targeting young children and they have short attention spans, and can’t really understand anything deep. Therefore, we have to present it in such a way that they will enjoy and understand what’s going on.

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