Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Its been a long time!!

Heyy!! Its been a long time since I've last blogged! :P Mainly cause the weekly routine is the same week in and week out hahas and also because i forgot lahhh... :P hehe..

Through the past few weeks, or month, I've continued to learn alot during my internship. It has given me insight of the working world, and the responsibilities that come with it. It is different from school.. cause in school, you can hand in your work late, or give crappy work, and all you're probably gonna get is a scolding from your teacher or bad grades.. But here in the working world, there are real consequences that can affect alot of people, not just yourself. Therefore i think that i've truly learnt to be more responsible in my work and also to meet deadlines.

I've gone out on shoots which is really fun! and at the same time is also a learning opportunity for me to see how to camera crew works. It is quite similar to what we learn during our year 1 & 2. Just that they are much more efficient and pro! hahas..
My most recent shoot was fishing at Pasir Ris Farmway! It was a fun and tiring experience! hahas.. because i tried fishing one fish myself! and boy was it tough! :P But it's a fun sport! :D

Anyway.. this week i've been assigned to do graphics for a upcoming christmas episode. So here are some graphics! :D
Oh and btw, since i've started working here, i'm glad to say that i've been using Illustrator and Photoshop more! Which is a good thing also! It has really allowed me to practice my photoshop skills! and i've also discovered many new techniques!

So here are the graphics!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 6

Its the 2nd Episode of our Show!! This time, i was posted to do the Supers for the show. We learned a new software called Expressions. It's quite similar to Maya and photoshop combined, so i picked it up rather quickly!

I was up in the control room this week, compared to last week when i was a FM - Floor Manager. Being up in the panel is so much different than being a FM. When you are a FM, you have to listen both ways, one from upstairs and also watch out for what is going on the floor itself. So we have to multitask :D hehe... While being up at the panel I was incharge of playing the supers when the time called for it. So the stressful part is that you have to be ready and immediately play it once it is your cue. Other than that, it was quite okay..

I've realised that i have more and more work coming in.... but i'm still trying to cope. And thanks to my wonderful mates, they help out sometimes too when they can :D

Also, I needed to edit the studio background because my supervisor said it was too Indian-ish LOL!

so here's the edited one.. haha..

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

week 5

Its Week 5!! The week where our show will finally go on air!!
This week was quite hectic, we had to finalized everything. Making sure that everything was done and ready to go on air. Our supervisor Cynthia asked me to design the studio background, here are the designs.

It was also my first time being a floor manager on set. It was quite fun, but at the same time quite tough too. I had to make sure everything ran smoothly on set, make sure that no one gets injured etc... But overall, it was a fun experience! :D

Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 4

Wow it has already been 1 month into my internship!! This week, Mavis and I worked on the opening titles. We had to finish everything by wednesday latest so that they could digitalize it for airing. Anyway, here are the designs that I did for the opening title of the show!

I used Illustrator and photoshop to create the designs.
And so far, after being on this internship for 1 month already, i felt that i have learnt alot during these 4 weeks. In the field of production, as well as learning more about what i do. Such as photoshop, as I've had to experiment and research more about photoshop to create certain effects. therefore I felt that i've learnt quite abit thus far! :D

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week 3

Our ideas for the opening title is more or less confirmed!! Mavis and I have begun working on the opening titles. Using Adobe photoshop, illustrator and aftereffects, we will create special effects for the opening title.

On tuesday it was my first time filming. Thankfully we managed to get the green screen studio @27 thanks to Mr Melvin. I had the chance to experience what it was like to be a director! It was fun but also tiring.. as i had to ensure everything goes according to plan. So after filming, we went back and video-logged the shots. Meaning to choose which takes we wanted so that we can edit it later on.

The rest of the week was just designing the opening titles. I designed in photoshop and illustrator and mavis animated and added in the special effects in after effects.

Week 2 of internshipp

Week 2 of our internship!! Mavis and some other students joined the internship. I didnt know them as there were from the mass comm course. It was good that Mavis finally came, she was supposed to help me with the Opening of the show.

During the week, Mavis and I brainstormed on different ideas for the opening title. But quite a few were rejected by our supervisor, Cynthia. Therefore we will continue to develop ideas for the opening title.. (:

Monday, September 5, 2011

Week 1 of internship at mediacorp!!

Day 1 of our internship at mediacorp, only me, si ya and zhen ru came.. The rest were coming next week. We met our supervisors, lawrence, cynthia and kalai. Lawrence brought us around mediacorp. I never knew mediacorp was so hugee and there were lots of people working in it hahaha...
Well.. anyway, the first day we were assigned roles for the program itself. I was incharge of doing up the opening of the show, Oktolive, zhen ru and siya was in charge of doing up 3G games. But when Mavis comes next week, she will help me in the opening of the show.
We will begin filming the opening for Oktolive on the 20th of sep, and it will be done at Ngee Ann's studio 27!! Because we need the green screen to do so haha.. So we got permission through Mr Melvin, (Thanks Mr Melvin, sorry for all the trouble :P), and we are more or less confirmed to shoot on that day.
However, the idea for the opening title has yet to be finalized. So we are still working on that and this entire week i've been drawing up story boards and discussing the ideas with Zhen ru and Si ya.