Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Its been a long time!!

Heyy!! Its been a long time since I've last blogged! :P Mainly cause the weekly routine is the same week in and week out hahas and also because i forgot lahhh... :P hehe..

Through the past few weeks, or month, I've continued to learn alot during my internship. It has given me insight of the working world, and the responsibilities that come with it. It is different from school.. cause in school, you can hand in your work late, or give crappy work, and all you're probably gonna get is a scolding from your teacher or bad grades.. But here in the working world, there are real consequences that can affect alot of people, not just yourself. Therefore i think that i've truly learnt to be more responsible in my work and also to meet deadlines.

I've gone out on shoots which is really fun! and at the same time is also a learning opportunity for me to see how to camera crew works. It is quite similar to what we learn during our year 1 & 2. Just that they are much more efficient and pro! hahas..
My most recent shoot was fishing at Pasir Ris Farmway! It was a fun and tiring experience! hahas.. because i tried fishing one fish myself! and boy was it tough! :P But it's a fun sport! :D

Anyway.. this week i've been assigned to do graphics for a upcoming christmas episode. So here are some graphics! :D
Oh and btw, since i've started working here, i'm glad to say that i've been using Illustrator and Photoshop more! Which is a good thing also! It has really allowed me to practice my photoshop skills! and i've also discovered many new techniques!

So here are the graphics!

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